Browse Category: Wellness


Sound Bath Meditation: Is it Worthwhile?

Sound bath meditation is the use of singing bowls, gongs, drums and other percussive instruments to induce a relaxed state. As women with obligations self-care is the first thing that falls by the wayside. I first heard about the practice from a presenter at a conference who said that despite many attempts, meditation didn’t work for her. However, she was a fan of sound bathing. Naturally, I had to try it!  

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wheelchair in medical waiting room

How to Support Your Partner Who is Living With Chronic Illness Without Losing Yourself

The CDC reports that six in ten adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more chronic conditions. As we women age it becomes more and more likely that a chronic condition could affect a family member or themselves. In light of the statistics and because women tend to outlive men, there is a good likelihood that any given woman will outlive her spouse.

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doctor measuring blood pressure of african american woman

What’s the Big Deal About High Blood Pressure? Why Your Blood Pressure Matters and 6 Ways to Help You Manage Your Own

In 2017, the standard blood pressure guidelines were revised. A reading of 120/80 is normal and 130/80 is now considered high blood pressure (also known as hypertension).  Under the new guidelines, more than half of African-American women would have high blood pressure. At least one in three adults worldwide do. Black adults are more likely to have high blood pressure than other racial groups. Generally, as women age, their blood pressure tends to rise, either because of hormonal changes or weight gain associated with menopause. No matter what your unique combination of factors is, high blood pressure is a serious issue. Even more serious many people do not even know they have high blood pressure.

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