Browse Category: You


What The Meyers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator Can Tell You About Your Style of Interaction

Researchers and psychologists have developed an array of questionnaires that can be used as tools for self-awareness. The Meyers Briggs Personality Type Indicator is an instrument developed by two brilliant women at the beginning of the twentieth century. What is the Meyers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and what does it tell you about how you show up?

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Can The Enneagram Guide Your Heart?

Of all the personality assessment tools, the Enneagram  may be the most mysterious, because it has been around for centuries. “Enne” is the Greek word for nine and “Gram” means writing.  The term Enneagram describes a geometric drawing representing the relationship of the nine personality types with eight other types.  What is The Enneagram?

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Can The CliftonStrengths Assessment Help You Show Out in the Marketplace?

Are you ready to plan your next move? How well do you understand the personalities of the many types of people you interact with? To make your current and future plans a reality, you should take advantage of all of the tools available to make sure you make the best of all you have to offer. As a career tool, the CliftonStrengths assessment can provide you with clarity when it comes to discussing what you have to offer.

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